Friday, December 16, 2011

Kal Aaj Aur Kal

When we say that 'live life in the present', we easily forget how fragile our lives are. We might want to play with it, abuse it, love it and be addicted to it, but the fact is that someday we would surrender it. They say that live life to the fullest, who knows what your future has in store for you. The cruel life teaches us time and again to live for the future and when we start living life in the present it makes us feel scared and unsecured. It is impossible how it makes us to believe that we either had a past which was either too joyous so that it cannot be lived again or it was too dark that it makes you so scared that you start disliking your present state. You end up looking at the future with all the hopes so that it either gives you that unfathomable joy of the past or keeps you away of the hardships.

Even if we try to live in present by rising above the fear of the future and the shadows of the past, our commitments to the world would not allow us to. There are many who look upon us with love and hope. By the time you flex your muscles and become independent you realize that you mean so much to your parents. You are their only child who is going to look after them for the rest of their life and it’s not an obligation but your own wish to return back a part of that love they gave. You realize that you have a girlfriend who has already dreamt of a utopian future which has two beautiful kids waiting to be caressed by their father. You realize that you have a young nephew who is expecting you to play with him every evening after college. You realize that you not only represent yourself but the prestige of your parents and relatives. If not consciously you subconsciously start preparing for the future. Your actions remain no more yours but are the extension of these subconscious elements residing in your fucking head.